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In progress

Initiating assistance for communities to build up micro businesses

Equipping & Training Sessions

Initiated in 2014 Events and seminars are conducted to train, equip and nurture the potential of the community in various areas for a better holistic future.

Life Equip

Well tested programmes for personal development and leadership, where leaders are trained and equipped.

J-Kidz Centre

Initiated in 2014 A place where community children come to learn and have fun while interacting and building relationships with each other.

Gertak Sanggul, Penang

Initiated in 2016 Providing free medical service and tuition classes for the community.

Foodcare / Nursing Care

Initiated in 2015 Providing monthly food parcels for those in need. Assist in financial aid for nursing/health care.


Initiated in 2009 A home open to community from across towns or across the country to use.

Life Bridge, Penang Care

In partnership since 2012 Young Leaders Challenge – Grooming the young generation to be ready to take up leadership roles. Refugees and Migrant Assistance.



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